Monday, July 9, 2012

Back to Work

Okay- I am on my last day of Summer vacation before the craziness of July begins. 

First up, I have great news! I had a fantastic meeting with the administration at school before I left for my NY vacation. They will be renewing my contract at the school with the hope to continue and expand my work. Yay! That was perfect news to kick off my vacation. I am back to work tomorrow and looking forward to it. 

My NY trip was amazing. We had some quality best friend time. We didn't really do the touristy stuff, but instead did and saw more local things. We went to Long Beach for the day; We celebrated Canada Day at Joe's Pub by singing along to the Canadian Songbook; We went to Atlantic City to play the slots (see the picture of the boardwalk)! Julie was up about 50 bucks and I lost money. Typical. We took the bus from the NY Port Authority. We had no trouble getting there and we even made our bus back!

We ate at lovely diners and restaurants, including Justin Timberlake's restaurant, Southern Hospitality. We caught a Broadway play, Peter and the Star Catcher. That was a treat! This play was probably the best production I've ever seen, of anything. It was witty and hilarious. The staging was brilliant and creative. We really enjoyed ourselves. 

Another high point was being able to catch up with a friend of mine from Chapman. I hadn't seen her in 3 years and I randomly thought to send her a text to see if she was around. Julie and I ended up spending the 4th of July with my friend and a group of people she knows. We ended up on a rooftop party in Hell's Kitchen for the firework show. It was a fun party- we didn't really know many people aside from my chapman friend and her boyfriend. The guy who lived in the building (a friend of my chapman friend) is a young fashion photographer who apparently was just featured on a show on Bravo. Little details like that crack me up. I guess its a thing to just allow random people up to the rooftop for a party... as long as they bring something - cups, ice, mixers, booze, snackies. It was actually a lovely affair. We stayed for a while after the show ended before heading back to Julie's apartment. This was really the perfect way to end my trip. 

I'm glad to be home and starting back at work. Too much time on my hands means random creative projects. Here's to my last vacation day!