Friday, September 28, 2012

3 Good Ideas

More often than not, I find I don't have enough to say to warrant a blog update.
This morning is no different, but I haven't updated in a long time. By the time I think about updating my blog, I feel like sleep or leaving for work probably should come first.
I am a busy bee and under the pressure of upcoming conference deadlines. That is my excuse for not updating... this time.

I was thinking about something this morning worth sharing, I think. I have been prepping for our national conference and collecting presentation proposals for our regional conference (as a part of my duties as continuing education person). Unexpectedities (new word - just made it up) happen and you do your best to negotiate around them or work through them. Life goes on. This week I was reminded of something that I maybe have mentioned before:

Everyday, every person has at least 3 good ideas.

I didn't say great ideas. Just good ones. Although, there are days where great ideas are everywhere. In working with presenters, figuring out timelines, coming up with new ways (and better!) ways to complete the same tedious tasks, we come to some creative solutions all week long. The best part of these great ideas have been collaborative. They've emerged while talking through a "problem" or just a random phone call with colleagues and friends. I know some creative people!

This ties in with the strengths of my colleagues and how they mesh with mine, but that's another blog post for another time.

Back to work!
I'm hoping to get a chance to catch up this weekend, prep for conference and program my keyboard for an upcoming show. All great ideas - and now, quite frankly, my brain is fried. Time for a second cup of coffee and some morning/afternoon sessions.

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