Thursday, September 13, 2012

Vacation Catch Up

School was out last week for a end of summer term-beginning of fall term break. It was a lovely week. I got to sleep in, play a couple of extra gigs, and see some of my other clients. But now, this week I feel like I am scrambling to catch back up, plus my keyboard is unhappy and I had to take it in to get fixed, and I've been trying to drum up some new business and resolve some old stuff (terminating services with a client, doing the books, and things like that). Its exhausting. I am also gearing up for conference in a couple of weeks and that means conference proposals, presentations meetings and of course, gag gifts. But I think I've made it through the worst of it relatively unscathed and sanity in tact.

At the end of the day, I leave my clients feeling energized, not drained.
That's how I know I'm operating right in the pocket and not over (or under)-doing it.


  1. Now if only your watermelon was doing as well...

  2. Maybe Garlic Gal....but you gotta love al that basil.
