Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Make Serendipity Work for You - Mark de Rond, Adrian Moorhouse, and Matt Rogan - Harvard Business Review

Make Serendipity Work for You - Mark de Rond, Adrian Moorhouse, and Matt Rogan - Harvard Business Review

I just read an article on the Harvard Business Review blog network about serendipity. It really got my attention.

When I was in Colorado, I commented to my friend how she has been open to so many different serendipitous moments in her life. Then I came across this article this morning.

This person suggests that serendipity is a practice or a skill set that can be cultivated. Its more than just plain old luck or being at the right place at the right time. It is about seeing meaningful combinations where others do not.

This made me think about the job opportunities that I have come into in the last few months. I had been describing it as "being in the right place at the right time." But maybe it was a kick start in seeing opportunities where there appear to be "none."

I think this idea pushes the bar in innovation and creativity and it makes me kind of inspired to look at things differently. I really like that.

That's the thought for the day.


  1. I like the way you have interpreted this idea. Serendipity is fun, fanciful, a great "explanation" for good fortune. Realists recognize we have a hand in finding our fortune. You are finding your own.

  2. Right? We make our own luck. I forget who said that. AND We create opportunities for ourselves all the time, often without knowing it.
