Friday, October 14, 2011

Moving Right Along

Things are moving right along over here.

High School Musical:
If you've ever started a program anywhere or had the experience of juggling schedules, then I salute you. Getting a schedule was quite possibly the most difficult part of this whole process. There are only a certain number of hours that I am on campus + kids schedules + other therapies + room availability = Crazy. But we got it done. Now I'm just waiting for my paperwork to clear and I can really start in on this schedule. Its an ambitious schedule and I'm seeing a ton of kids - although I still feel like I need more time every week. :)
I also submitted my first invoice to them today. Yippee!

Office Space:
I had a meeting with a speech therapist in the town just north of here. I found this SLP online in a random search. The website said part of the therapy program includes music, so naturally I sent her an email to find more information. The SLP wrote back right away saying that they've been searching for a music therapist in the area and would I be interested in meeting.
The meeting was interesting. I left not quite knowing what happened, but I felt that it was good. I shared a little video tape, talked about my training and the types of clients I see. Then they asked for a stack of business cards because they really feel like some of the kids they see need music. SOOOOoooo maybe I'll get a few referrals out of that?
Then the SLP basically said that if I wanted to use the office space there one or two days a week when they aren't there that we could probably work something out. But nothing was final... soooo I'm not quite sure. But it seemed positive. Wouldn't that be nice.

The more books, instruments and stuff I acquire, the more I feel like I will eventually need a separate office space. Julie says I should take my sister's room as my office. I seem to recall my sister using my room as her den for a while.

I laughed to myself out loud while cleverly pasting my head on these characters.

Um Yay- Best Friend is coming home for a short visit in a couple of weeks! And today is definitely a work from home in my comfies while taking care of regional business and business business.
Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Jeezz, after a week like that, one would think your Mother would have provided a better dinner tonight. Tsk. Tsk. :~(
