Tuesday, August 30, 2011

An organic experience

I saw my usual Sunday clientele this weekend, with a few variations for scheduling issues. But I saw one of my morning sessions in the afternoon. I've been trying to figure out what to do differently and trying to create some new experiences to address his goals lately. I probably don't plan for sessions as much as I should. I do like things to be sort of an organic experience, although I realize that some things need more structure.

On Sunday, I had sort of a clinical intuition moment and grabbed a drum for this client. He started going to town on that thing- which isn't the exact phrasing in the plan... but you get the general idea. He drummed in a way that I'd never seen, even after his mother mentioned that he was having sort of an off day. I wonder how its all connected. In the moment, I tried to elicit more response and encouragement to use both of his hands through a piano improvisation.

I also had a woman explain to me last week that the music makes her anxiety decrease.

Today a position came up for a recreation therapist at the VA in this area. After much whining and talking about it, Ty kicked me into gear and I filled out an application. I'm not expecting anything from it, but it was a good experience to fill it out. If I ever need to do that again, I will be prepared and not scared and not whiny. :) Poor Ty, I stressed him out this afternoon.

September scheduling is underway. Today, I worked on some session planning and program development. Just working away.:)


  1. E wants to know if this position is at the Menlo Park VA....that would be Beth's old position as she is now at the main hospital in PA

  2. Tell E that the position is in the polytrauma unit in PA. It sounds like an interesting place.
