Hello everyone
Well. Tomorrow is a big day. I have a meeting with the school that I originally approached back in December. They told me, "wow you're resume looks great.... but we've been talking with someone else. If something changes, we'll let you know." A week or two ago, they emailed me and said, "things changed. would you be interested in meeting with us/me (its one lady)?" To which I replied, YYESSSS-- but in more professional phrases.
Tomorrow I have an appointment there to meet and tour the facility! I am nervous and excited. And if we were in a sondheim musical, I'd be "excited and scared." Thank you, Into the Woods. I digress and I also just ate something off of my desk. Thank goodness it was a little piece of chocolate. I guess I should get a snack.
Anyhow! I've got my resume printed and a short powerpoint on music therapy and the way I see it and why it is absolutely congruent with the organization's existing mission and vision. I wanted to create something to leave there and outlined all of the ways that I differ from other therapists in the area. I think I've got a few things up on some other people. For example:
1). I'm a local girl who knows what community means. I've got the garlic festival t-shirts and badges to prove it.
2). I have experience working in a unique model of therapy that is not used often in this area
3). I'm young and fresh out of school (not always what people are looking for, but after discussing with Ty, I see it as a plus). I am looking for a place to grow and an organization to grow into. I'm not set in my ways and all about the creative problem solving.
4). I'm pretty awesome.
My hope for this meeting is to solidify the relationship with the facility and assistant executive director. I want to make a good impression so that they want to find out more and invite me back for an inservice. Thats my realistic goal for this meeting. Thinking outside of the box- I want them to love me so much that they hire me full time and with benefits. Wishful, yes. But I think its good to have high aspirations.... as long as there are also realistic goals to anchor. Its good to be grounded. To some degree, I think its dangerous to expect too much and also to expect too little. So I'm going into it with an open mind and aim to take the next baby step (instead of a gargantuan leap). Unless they want to leap.... then that is okay with me. :)
I'll be looking over my notes and the website for the rest of the evening and trying to sleep. I don't often sleep when I'm excited about something. I'm like that kid in the Disney commercials "But I"m toooo exxcitted to sleep!" Just like that.
I will keep you all posted on my first impressions and thoughts after my meeting tomorrow. Woo. Send me some good vibes if you have the time!
In other news, I had 3 sessions yesterday. Fantastic but exhausting. I think I am getting back into the swing of facilitating large groups. I haven't really done that kind of stuff since school practicum classes, so it feels like a little bit of a stretch for me. Its a good stretch. I feel like the more variation in experiences that I encounter, the more well rounded and awesome I become (I think that sentence made more sense in my head). :) Its not exactly what I had in mind, but I am enjoying it. Its good to be working (and in my chosen field!) and to be making a little bit of money.
Time to get organized and of course, pick out my outfit for tomorrow! :)
Stay tuned.