Friday, September 30, 2011

It's Friday Night...

I am fast at work on my program. Yesterday I met with a speech therapist from the school to go over a stack of referrals for music therapy. There are too many referrals than I have time for in the week- which is good and bad. It shows the interest and 'need' for this type of therapy but at the same time, we have to make some decisions on who I have time to see during the week. Its pretty difficult and it was a ton of information to go through in one sitting. It did make me more excited to start seeing this pieces come together.

In an interesting turn of events, just as I was "whining" (as my colorado friend would say) about not having another contract to fill out my schedule, I stumbled upon a potentially new opportunity. I found a speech therapist just a few miles up the road that says she incorporates music into her treatments. The website didn't mention music therapy, so I decided to send her an email for more information. She wrote back immediately saying that she's been looking for a music therapist in the area. To cut a long story short, she asked if I'd be interested in meeting.

It looks like we'll be meeting in the next couple of weeks. I don't know if it means another contract or consulting type of opportunity, but I'll take it. And the more people that know I'm here, the more I can get my network working for me. <---- see what I did there? Network--- working.

Lots of things are in motion. Piano lessons started again, this time with a new student, a new very enthusiastic student who likes to strike deals. We negotiated this week on practice time, for example, if for every time she practices "Red Balloons" she has to practice this other song (that she dislikes) 2 times..... or for every X number of stickers, she gets a reese's piece peanut butter cup. That was Lesson #1. She cracks me up. We'll see how the next week goes.

And I'm off to see a friend's band out at a local winery tonight. I'm excited to see them play.

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