For some reason, I have a lot of trouble with this one. :)
Sometimes things or people happen (people can happen now) and they may (in)directly produce consequences that may affect my life. And I get all worked about it or them. Often, I have very little control over the situation and instead of letting it go, I hang on to it... tightly. Its exhausting. The more I think about it, the more I realize that I need to be spending my energy on more important things. But sometimes, I can't help it. Or rather, I haven't been willing to help it.
Sometimes people are infuriating. Sometimes I think that I could do things better than they are being done. Sometimes I dwell on what could have happened. I'd like to remind myself that I am a capable professional and person. I am capable of contributing to positive change AND I am capable of letting things go. Like I mentioned, I could be using my energy for other important things.... like underwater basket weaving and button collecting. Those would definitely be more important than worrying about this other stuff.
so in 2012, I'm going to try and mind my own business more often. That also includes letting things go that I don't need to hang on to. Process and move on.