Thursday, November 11, 2010

Alright, let's get this thing going

After my "hangover"esque weekend I have decided that its now time that I get up off my butt here and start working my angles and connections. I've had a nice vacation, but it is time. It is amazing what opportunities come up when you start looking for them, making them happen.

I'm going to talk to a few people in the area and see what happens.

But yesterday! Wow. Yesterday was incredibly productive. I worked all day. I wrote a couple of cover letters, drafted my letter in response to the Las Vegas opportunity, created another document for a little marketing folder, read some information on third-party reimbursement (which is perhaps one of those most important things a MT could learn about--- you know, how to get paid and bill insurance and codes and what forms to use--- its very confusing) and did quite a bit of research on some other agencies.

Today I am finishing up those letters (its good for me to take a step back), watching morning TV and having dinner with two of my friends from high school. We're doing these "girls nights" often--- its turning out to be almost once a month. Its been nice.

Going into my Boston trip I felt miles and miles away from anything. I wasn't quite living in the past (but I was certainly revisiting high school memories and people), I wasn't quite in the present, and I wasn't really living in the future (with no certain plans). It was good to get away and take a vacation, see my friend, get grounded and get the sort of motivation I needed to get going with my life. I don't feel so aloof and detached and I have more direction. That part feels good- much MUCH better.

I've finished my coffee and watched Kathie Lee and Hoda try and do an obstacle course-- that means its time to get cleaned up and on with my day.

Happy Veterans Day everyone.

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