Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"A Little Bit Everyday"

I came up with this (not) new little motto while I was eating my eggos this morning. I have to be doing something- even just a little bit- every day to prepare for meetings, creating materials, assembling marketing packets. If I do that I will feel like I am moving forward or at least contributing to my job search/creation. Yesterday I worked on my marketing packet which changes, depending on who the recipient is. I have drafted a few cover letters and am hoping to get to the post office today to send at least one out.
I also anticipate straightening up my room today and laundry- two things that I absolutely need to do that will help with the productivity monster. And if there is time and it isn't 80 degrees, I sort of feel like baking. We'll see what happens with that.

An official item now:
I have officially sent my formal response to the Las Vegas opportunity. And I have officially turned down the position.
It seemed silly to turn down a job, especially now, but it is not the right time for me to move out of state. Although I loved being in the facility and loved working with the clients, it just isn't the right time. I am glad I have the experience of interviewing somewhere. That has been extremely valuable.
So I will be home for a while.
You probably knew that because I bought a car.

I do have a brainstorming type meeting set up for this week AND I am hoping to hear back from a private school in Santa Clara. One of my HS friend's mom works at this private school and she offered to set up a meeting for me. I feel like things are indeed happening. Some are directly within my control and some are not. That's okay. I'm just trying to keep my eyes opened for all sorts of opportunities.
My vision is sort of changing for my future. I always thought that I'd go into academia after getting advanced degrees. But now I'm sort of thinking about creating an internship, like the one I experienced. Also, I can really see myself being a sort of consultant type of person, creating jobs in the area and finding MTs to come fill them (while maintaining my own caseloads). That's quite a ways in the future- I still have to find a job for myself, but I could see myself doing that sort of thing. For some reason, I have not heard much about MT in the bay area and that should change. I think I can contribute to change that. Obviously I have a ton of ideas, but I am taking my time and trying to do things the "right" way. And one thing at a time... like find a job.

In other news, I received word yesterday that a former teacher of mine passed away. She'd been battling cancer for some time now and passed away Friday afternoon. I am definitely saddened by this news. She was an influential teacher in my life and we remained close even after I finished school. I am more upset because I was suppose to go see her last week and we never connected. I'm feeling like I definitely missed out. I was asked to read at her service in December and I am happy that I will be able to do that.

Well got to get moving so I can do my "little bit" for the day!


  1. This from your sarcastic aunt: no wonder your vision is changing if your eyes are peeled. Vickie's later? You don't even have to buy...

  2. Vickie's sounds great. I'll drive.
