Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Pay-off

Phew. I feel happy and relieved.

My presentation went really well today. The staff in attendance really glommed onto the video clips and asked some great questions relating to the clips at the end. There was a speech therapist and an occupational therapist there and they asked if I ever did co-treatment. I told them I am dying to try something like that. Which is definitely the truth. That is something that I would like to do.
Anyhow, the presentation was great. My friend's mom was there (she works there) so it was nice that I could see her and show her what I've been doing all this time. I was then additionally invited over this weekend for some homemade authentic Indian food. Its a win-win.

Now I guess I play the waiting game and see when the AED (assistant executive director) gets back to me. I'm not quite sure what the next step will be, but I am sure anxious and excited to find out. My friend Maggie is in the middle of developing a program in a similar setting in Chicago. We've been shooting ideas back and forth to each other. It is sort of like being in AZ in again when she'd come over to study and have dinner and we'd spread all of our materials out on the kitchen table and listen to the carpenters. Well... that last part about the carpenters happened only once. There's nothing like belting out "don't you remember you told me loved me babbbyyy...." while trying to grasp music therapy research methods.

I digress. I guess now I have to think about what kind of program would fit their needs best and what that means in terms of hours and compensation. Will it just be a contract job or something more? Personally I hope for something more - maybe part time to start but it would be okay to be a contractor for a little bit- if that's where I needed to start.

I suppose only time will tell. :)


  1. This is ALL good news! I knew you'd rock, now just finding how it all fits together. It will. I just know it.
