Thursday, December 9, 2010


Today I met with the person who is looking to hire a music therapist and observed a session. It was great fun. I observed a session at a retirement community. The clients were fabulous. They were active and singing and playing. One lady told me to take care of myself... right after she asked me if I knew what she did with her husband. Then she told me "don't feel bad if you don't know. I don't know what I did with him either." What a hoot.
The whole situation seems really positive. It isn't official and I haven't signed anything. We will continue to see what happens.

It'd be a great way to get some real life work experience and work a few hours and save up some money.

In the meantime, I'm up at Ty's and we're watching trashy daytime television. It's wonderful.


  1. I hope you aren't ignoring Mizz Peaches?!

  2. Does trashy daytime TV include any soaps? There's only one left that I watch, it's very sad...

  3. It was a little late in the afternoon for soaps. We were watching some People's Court.
    Mizz Peaches was napping. She didn't think we were too amusing, I guess. Maybe if we had watched some soaps. she'd be more attentive. :)
