Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Its been fun, but now we're done

I used that as a transition song today during sessions. It seemed to work. The kids were super cute and into the music.... well as into it as you could be when there's a random stranger in the movement room with a guitar. They were precious. My little experiences worked well and I left a session plan with the director of the preschool to give her an idea of what the experiences were addressing.

I think it went well. I got some nice responses and they did well with the experiences in terms of my "expectations" or "playing rules." We'll see. As Julie pointed out, there's not much you can do about an audition. You can't change anything about it after it happens and you just do your best to prepare for it. Then you have to let it go. Soooo they will decide if they want that type of programming at their school.

Side note--- the director of the preschool was apart of my sister's high school graduating class. random.

On my way home it started to rain which is a perfect excuse to change into my sweats and pack up my stuff from Peaches' house. That's where I'm at. I feel relieved that the session is done and that they have to decide. And I'm excited to be back at home. Between my LA trip and Peaches sitting, I haven't been home since last Monday and I'm looking forward to having a couple of days of down time before another work day and my birthday. THen after my birthday, I'm off to Utah for a music therapy meeting type thing.... so I guess things don't show much sign of slowing down, but at least I love what I'm doing and what I have planned. That's the important thing.

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