Thursday, January 28, 2010

Snow snow snow snow SNOW

This is the view from our office. As you can see, it snowed. And the photo was taken at the time of the day when it actually stopped snowing and instead was just ridiculously windy. Its definitely in the teens- and that's without the wind chill. I drove to work this morning and was rudely reminded that I now live in western New York.

I had a great day today. I started out at a different site. Basically during the week I will be going to three different sites. On Thursdays I stop by one that is on the way to the main site and see a couple of clients. Today I got to participate and actually play the piano in the sessions. Each client seemed to be engaged with me and feel at least a little comfortable. They are definitely breaking the newbie in. We had a lot of fun and I am looking forward to the next session with them. My ITD and I processed a little bit after each session. I was nervous on my commute this morning because I wanted everything to go well... and it did! She said that my instincts were good and that I did a good job. I made a few notes for each client on ways I should practice or elements of music that each one needs. Silly me, each client needs different things and parts of music! No wonder I'm the intern. I have so much to learn from my ITD and the clients! Its sort of a humbling experience to be an intern. It feels like going from being on the top of the food chain in school- being a senior, having gone through the pre-clinical process and a ton of credits- to not knowing any thing and being thrown into a session and trying to pull out the stuff that you know or have been practicing for the last few weeks and to still have so much to work on! I hope that made sense. I had a great time. Afterwards I had time to flip through a couple of charts before heading back to the main center.

It was little slow at the main office today. We did manage to get an observation in and then our ITD had a doctor's appointment this afternoon-- so Kari and I had the rest of the afternoon to read and practice. We did... like good interns. The commute was something else. Tons of snow and wind. Its nice to be able to take my time and enjoy the ride. But I made it home and it looked a little like this. The first is from my commute and the second is what the parking lot looked like upon arriving home.

Tomorrow's plans are still up in the air. We're still on lake front snow advisories until tomorrow night AND the place where we're suppose to observe tomorrow (my usual Tuesday/Friday stop with my supervising therapist) gets slammed with weather all of the time. As a result, I'm supposed to wait until my ST calls and lets us know if we're going down there or back to the main center for reading and practicing. Our ITD has the day off tomorrow. Lucky.

This weekend has a few adventures. If you haven't checked it out, Holly's Diner has a fantastic looking recipe for albondigas ( I think I am going to try the recipe this weekend-- that means that a trip to Wegmans is inevitable. Kari and I are going to a hockey game tomorrow night downtown. Apparently Rochester has an excellent minor league team and Kari has never been to a hockey game and Fridays in January are dollar draft and dog nights. I think we're going to have a great time.

In the meantime, Dad is on his way to Arizona to deal with all the stuff left in my apartment. That really means that I don't live in Arizona anymore. BUT he will get a chance to hang out with my friends, I'm jealous. He just called to say that its 70 degrees in Pasadena. Thanks Dad. Tonight I get to relax, enjoy my 30 Rock and clean up my kitchen. Woo hoo. Exciting Thursday.


  1. Stop taking pictures while you drive!!! If Genaro gets wind of this behavior, your insurance will go through the roof!

  2. With all that snow, do you miss seeing Mexico as you travel?

  3. I do! And you CAN see mexico. I don't care what you say.
