Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Getting behind

My apologies every one. I have not composed an entire conference update.

This was really one of the most incredible and affirming weekends of my entire life. It was fabulous. Everything turned out to be fabulous and of course, as always, I was worried and stressed for no reason.

I am still catching up on sleep as I was up for 23.5 hours the first day and caught the red eye Sunday night and didn't sleep much or very well. Some guy was in my foot space. You don't just put your knees in another person's foot space. Where is the common decency?

The last two days have been pretty rough, but I am trying to get my sleep schedule back under control. With that, I am getting to bed. But I will start working on a conference write up to give you a taste of what my Vegas weekend was like.

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