Sunday, January 10, 2010


"Snow Flakes that fall on my Nose and Eyelashes..."

Its been snowing since Thursday… or was it Friday. I’ve lost track. The flakes have been sticky and coating everything with white. It’s actually very pretty. When I go outside, I always feel like belting “My Favorite Things” a la Julie Andrews. Someday.

I’ve also been without internet since moving in on Wednesday. It’s been horrible. ;) Today I decided to come to starbucks for the wi-fi.

The last few days have been about stocking and organizing my apartment and getting all the necessities, for example, a humidifier. Everything is so dry here. If I am not constantly hydrating, I feel loopy almost instantly. Other noteworthy items? A snow/ice scraper for the car (which dad cut his finger on in Target). Fortunately, I have a garage at my apartment complex, but I won’t have covered parking at my internship site.

Stocking the apartment required finding the shopping centers around here. Boy were dad and I in shopping heaven. We hit Bed Bath and Target, but I have to mention Wegmans. Dad and I have been to Wegman’s pretty much every day since we’ve been here. It is a magical mix of Whole Foods, Trader Joes, and the grocery part of Costco all in one. They have a Wokery, a Fromagery (I like to call it the Cheesery), a Pizzery, a Bakery—pretty much anything you can put a “ry” on the end. They have an amazing deli, butcher, and seafood counter, plus all the modern conveniences of a regular grocery store—you know, like jam and stuff. They also have an amazing produce selection including “International Produce” which looked like funny roots used to cure things like abscess called balani root or something. They also have about a million checkout stands with at least 10 open all the time. They also have a health section which vitamins, protein bars, supplements etc not to mention a whole offering of organic foods in all sections (dairy, produce, meat, everything). This place is magical. In the store only about a mile from my apartment, they have a kitchenware section with glassware, pots, pans, and small appliances. Any day that we go to Wegmans is a happy day.

Also in the Wegmans shopping center (about 1 mile from home) are a ton of other stores like a RiteAid, TJ Maxx, and Barnes & Noble.

Most importantly, the Urgent Care is just across the street from Wegmans (I should mention that I was never sickness or accident-prone until I started working the Fair in San Diego. Tell me how that’s possible. Maybe it was the lack of real keys).

Shopping in 15 degree weather is fun mostly because they play “summer/warm” music. Today as I walked out of RiteAid, James Taylor’s “Mexico” was blasting through the plaza. Before that, some type of reggae music. I think they are trying to make people think it’s a lot warmer outside. They don’t have me fooled.

After shopping, and moving some furniture around, I am completely set up. My desk is put together, I’ve fed all the cords through and its facing the TV so that I have the necessary level of distraction while I work. My instruments are set out and plugged in, my new DVD player is set to go, my new bedding is set up and the brita filter is full.

Its been nice to have my Dad here to take care of things. He’s even cooked and cleaned so that I could put stuff together and do some reading for my internship. I was sad to drop him off at the airport Saturday morning but also excited to really get a feel for my space by myself. There is something to be said for just hanging out at home alone with a cozy blanket, cup of coffee (with French Vanilla creamer—thanks DiAnne), my book and/or a movie. It feels serene and calming. I like feeling grounded and I think I am ready to start working on Monday. I’ll have quite a commute to do in the morning, but I am both optimistic and anxious.

Its kind of strange to look out the window and see brick and snow. I’ll include a photo. Its definitely new and different considering that I spent the last 18 months in Arizona…. Where the mighty saguaros reach for the skies and something else about the sun (however that alma mater goes). I’m adjusting and having a great time.

Aside from the internet debacle, I am so excited to be in this new place and that I am actually starting my internship- Monday 8am! My internship director checked in Thursday afternoon to see how everything was going and to make sure I had the essentials: good boots, a good winter coat, and an ice brush for the car. That makes me even more excited to start. I know that I am going to come away with an incredible experience here.


  1. James Taylor and reggae? Sounds like a regiment of cold-weather music therapy...

  2. Dad is happy to be home where we have other colors besides white. My pleasure to help
