Sunday, June 13, 2010

Newarkfest 2010

Newarkfest was a blast. Its a small little street fair- certainly smaller than some of the down town things attended... except that there were fair type vendors (funnel cake, homemade ice cream, fried things, "mojos tacos" and even a sign that said, "hispanic food." Hmmm yeah... authentic mexican food is rather hard to find around here). Kari got a funnel cake, which she graciously let me have a few bites and I enjoyed a good corndog- My mother and I love corn dogs.

Speaking of dogs, "Extreme Poodles" airs on TLC today. I just came across the promos while channel surfing and I am so glad I did. I would be really sad if I missed this. I do love poodles. But these people are crazy- they make their dogs look like other things. It makes me feel bad for the dogs, but its nearly impossible for me to look away. I can't wait.

Anyhow, yesterday i came back from Newark and stopped at redbox and rented a movie. Its been an extremely relaxing weekend and I have enjoyed it immensely. Tomorrow, Kari and I are going to the Rochester International Jazz Festival. Its a 9 day festival with like 8 stages and things happening all the time. Its like a marathon. Our ITD takes time off and people come in to see her for this festival. But she's a jazz-nut, so I'm not really all that surprised. I'm excited about that. It'll be something fun that shakes up the routine a bit.

I'm going to go return my video and hit the UPS store for a couple of boxes. That's right. I'm going to pack up my winter stuff and ship it home sometime this week. We'll see how that goes. Its strange to already be thinking about shipping stuff back, even though its winter stuff that I won't need for the rest of the internship. weird. okay. I'm determined to do something. Packing and then back to some couch time before the professional poodle grooming competition begins!

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