Wednesday, June 30, 2010

witty banter

Today was hilarious. For some reason Kari and I were just really in sync today- which worked out great for our session with the client we see together. We were on fire.
Of course out of that fire came many a conversational gem. We were discussing what we wanted to do for the 4th of July (my favorite holiday). We decided on getting together for burgers and trying to find fireworks somewhere, perhaps also playing a few games. I thought it would be great to play "What's Yours Like?" which is a hilarious game that I first played with Mar-boy and his parents when we went down to PA. Unfortunately it requires a minimum of 4 players.
Lauren: oh man, i think it needs 4 players. too bad we don't have any friends.
Kari: yea, too bad we aren't more likable.

We had a good laugh. We also created some nice music- we had a jam session today while our ITD was interviewing a prospective intern. We're going to record it. Stay tuned for that. It's going to be pretty brilliant.
The frustrating thing happening now is the state of my mileage reimbursement checks. They aren't coming. The state of new york is so flipping broke that they've basically stopped issuing checks (like starting with april checks). sooo.... that really sucks. maybe someday I'll get that money... its a few hundred bucks a month. It can really add up.

I'm exhausted. All the laughing and documentation doing (1 more to submit for the month of june!) has worn me out for today. I watched The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus last night and loved it. It was very interesting- not as dark as I thought it would be nor was it as weird as I thought it would be. I really enjoyed it.

Well tomorrow is July- that's still weird. That means I have about 6 weeks left. I can't believe it. I have no idea what I will be doing when I'm done. I'm definitely coming home while I figure out prospective job opportunities which seem to be focused around the west coast for now. I can't really decide where I want to go and with whom I want to work. The good news is that I still have time.

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