Thursday, March 18, 2010

Presentations, Eye Candy, Antibiotics... oh my!

Our presentations went well today! We did a great job, had some good questions and had the opportunity to leave early as my supervising therapist was caught up in meetings for the rest of the day. So Kari and I made our way back to Rochester. She drove to my apartment this morning and parked her car in my garage and I drove the rest of the way to our presentation. We arrived back to my apartment around 2:40 or so and it was a beautiful day. We soon discovered that my garage door wouldn't open. The solution? Go to the office and see if someone was available to help me out. The apartment complex (at least my building) just changed management. The woman working the office today is straight out of like New Jersey housewives or something- HUGE hair, eye shadow, the accent, the whole bit. I told her of my garage woes and she responded, "oh dear, we'll get anthony over there to fix the door for ya" --- please read in a brooklyn-ese accent.
So Kari and I are thinking that Anthony is going to be some older gentleman who is going to fix the door. Ten minutes later, this beautiful man comes rolling up in a golf cart--- all bronzey and muscley and gorgeous. Kari and I opened the trunk, sat on the tailgate and watched him fix the door. It was an excellent pick-me-up to an already great day. Thank goodness it was warm and sunny outside. I think the story would be different had it been snowing.

Then I headed over to the urgent care as my toe was all infected and gross. We'll leave that there. I have antibiotics and elevation on my side, so things are good. To make this day EVEN better, I came home and there was a prize waiting for me from my friend Maggie. She made some Irish Soda Bread with her grandma and sent it to me. I have a HUGE loaf. I am very excited to have some for breakfast tomorrow.

In the meantime, I am almost done with my self evaluation. I'm on the part where I have to set goals for myself and really all I feel like writing is "WORK ON EVERYTHING." I guess I have to be more specific. It stinks because I do want to work on everything. I just started for crying out loud! So we'll see what kind of things I come up with in the next 50 minutes because as we all know, I go to bed at 9pm. I am currently fighting to keep my eyes open. Oy vey.

That's the only big thing tomorrow. I am trying to schedule a haircut this weekend. please please please. my hair is sooooo long. Hoping that I will be able to take care of that this weekend- with pictures to follow.
goodnight everyone!


  1. I guess the story would have been different if it had been snowing. Mr. Young Hunky Bod would have been all bundled up!!! You ladies lucked out.

  2. Hunky maintenance guy, Brooklyn accents, urgent care - what a day! How many entries on the bump and scrap log do you have? More than at Del Mar yet?

    I think like the "Johanna Northcote" rule on shorts, there is going to be some kind of "Lauren Bevilacqua" rule on accidnets this year.

  3. OH. A Lauren Bevilacqua accident rule- I feel so honored. I really did shine in that department. This is my first major incident here- requiring a trip to urgent care. I had some good ones in Arizona. AND I also have a few more months here- we can't rule anything out.

    Maybe the bump and scrape log in AgFair/Theme Exhibit should be re-named after me? Just a suggestion... :)

  4. An excellent idea! I'll talk to DiAnne and Johanna about that. The newbies will be so deprived to have not experienced you...presence.

    Get well soon.
