Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Oh! It was really nice today- high 50s AND its supposed to be in the 70s this weekend.

Today was not quite as productive as yesterday or Monday, but I did manage to get things done. I sent some paperwork home tonight and managed to finish up 3 monthly summaries (out of 5 remaining). That leaves 2 left to do tomorrow AND to read over what I've done tonight in order to send it to my ITD. Phew. Not to mention edits of the things I've already sent. So little time and so much to do.

I'm also getting some music therapy conference stuff ready too. Saturday is my big work day- go make copies at Staples of all the documents I need, make sure my powerpoints are all set for next week and pack my bag. I can't believe that Vegas is happening next week- time has certainly flown by. I was going to write more about the Seder from last night, but after working all evening, I find myself a bit tired. I also went to Wegman's this afternoon and purchased the things I need to Sunday's Easter dinner. I'm fixing lamb a la one of my chapman professors. She's greek and makes the most amazing lamb. I was lucky enough to get her recipe. I fixed it for some friends last Easter in AZ and it was absolutely delicious. I am hoping for a repeat. So far, I have 4 lbs for 3 people, Kari, Mar-boy, and myself. I also decided while shopping today that we are going to decorate Easter eggs Sunday afternoon as well. I think it will be a nice time.

Tomorrow we have another piano inservice at a different location. We're meeting my supervising therapist at a site just a few miles from my house. I am really looking forward to my commute home tomorrow. I expect it to take all of about 5 minutes. That leaves plenty of time to do some laundry so I can start packing for my trip!
That's all for me. Someday I will have more time to write about how fun the Seder was- all the details and everything plus new adventures. Goodnight!

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