Thursday, August 5, 2010

A River without Dams: The Most Awesome Case Study Ever!

That's right. The most Awesome case study Ever. The first part of my title was "A River without Dams" from that quote from the Maslow book. It really worked well and my supervisors loved the title!
My presentation went really well.
I got fantastic feedback from both my ITD and my ST. Two family members of my client were able to attend and they looked like they loved my session video clips. They were laughing and smiling and saying things like, "its clear that ------ loves working with you." It was great to be able to share my excitement and my work with my client and to share that with my client's family.
I did run a little short but that's because I forgot to talk about something.
But it didn't take away from the presentation- My supervisors said I had a great pace, the terms I used were excellent, like I really knew what I was talking about, I knew my stuff. My ITD said I sounded like a real music therapist!

She also said that based on the reactions from the family members that I may be able to get a video release signed so that I can use the video clips for presentations. That would be amazing! And the fact that my ITD suggested that, I think, is high praise-- that I should be doing this presentation again. In fact, just a few days ago, one of my professors at ASU asked if I'd be interested in giving a presentation about improvisational music therapy for the students. How perfect. I hope I get the "rights" to the video so that I can use the clips in my presentation. Its difficult to really understand music therapy without truly seeing it.

AND, my ITD mentioned that she might want to use some of my clips for a presentation she is giving in the spring! Wow!

So I am on top of the world and celebrating with some red hots and a beer.
Ice cream to follow and then some much needed sleep. I love the red hots ---->

This weekend I'll update you all about my week and my latest visit to Kelly LMT. She is a miracle worker.
For now, I'm going to celebrate and just relax! Wooo hooo!


  1. Woo, indeed, Hoo! Like i said last are a Rock Star! Sure hope the permission for the presentation comes through...I really want to see you in action. Love you, so proud, love you some more...

  2. Boy. Your Aunt sure has a way with words!
